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Centrifugal Pumps: The Heart of Solids Control

2023.11.15 Centrifugal Pump

GN Solids America emerges as a leading provider of innovative solutions, particularly in the realm of centrifugal pumps and solids control equipment.

Centrifugal Pumps: The Heart of Solids Control
At the core of GN Solids America’s offerings is their high-performance centrifugal pumps. These pumps play a pivotal role in the solids control process by facilitating the separation of drilling mud and solids. The robust design and advanced technology incorporated into GN Solids America’s centrifugal pumps contribute to their reliability and effectiveness in handling diverse applications.

Cutting-Edge Solids Control Technology
GN Solids America is renowned for its commitment to cutting-edge technology in the solids control industry. Their centrifugal pumps are designed to efficiently process drilling fluids, removing unwanted solids and ensuring that the drilling mud meets the required specifications for reuse in the drilling process. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also minimizes waste, aligning with sustainability goals.

Versatility for Various Industries
One notable feature of GN Solids America’s centrifugal pumps is their versatility. These pumps are tailored to meet the demands of a wide range of industries beyond oil and gas, including mining, construction, and environmental projects. The adaptability of GN Solids America’s centrifugal pumps makes them a valuable asset for companies seeking reliable solids control solutions in diverse operational environments.

Customer-Centric Approach
GN Solids America distinguishes itself not only through its cutting-edge technology but also through its customer-centric approach. The company is dedicated to understanding the unique needs of its clients and providing tailored solutions. This commitment to customer satisfaction extends to the availability of products, ensuring that clients have timely access to the centrifugal pumps and solids control equipment they require.

In the ever-evolving landscape of solids control, GN Solids America stands out as a provider of top-tier centrifugal pumps and associated equipment. Their commitment to innovation, versatility, and customer satisfaction positions them as a reliable partner for industries seeking effective solids control solutions. As industries continue to face the challenges of efficient waste management and resource utilization, GN Solids America’s centrifugal pumps emerge as a beacon of reliability and efficiency in the realm of solids control.

GN Slurry Dewatering System for Construction

In the realm of construction, managing slurry is a critical aspect that significantly influences project timelines, costs, and environmental impact. Traditional methods of slurry disposal often involve large volumes of water, leading to increased expenses and environmental concerns. However, the advent of advanced technologies, such as the GN Slurry Dewatering System, has revolutionized the construction industry by providing a comprehensive solids control solution.

At the heart of the GN Slurry Dewatering System lies its ability to efficiently separate solids from liquid, allowing for the recovery of valuable resources and the responsible disposal of waste. This system comprises several key components, each playing a crucial role in the overall solids control process.

The shale shaker is the initial line of defense, responsible for coarse screening and removing large particles from the slurry. Its high-capacity vibrating screens ensure efficient separation, preventing damage to downstream equipment and facilitating the dewatering process.

Following the shale shaker, the centrifuge takes center stage. This high-speed equipment employs centrifugal force to further separate solids from liquid, producing a drier, more manageable sludge. The centrifuge’s precision and speed contribute to the overall effectiveness of the system, ensuring the extraction of maximum solids from the slurry.

Pumps are the unsung heroes of the GN Slurry Dewatering System, facilitating the movement of slurry through the various stages of separation. Robust and reliable, these pumps play a pivotal role in maintaining a continuous workflow, enhancing the system’s efficiency.

The integration of these components results in a complete solids control system that not only minimizes environmental impact but also maximizes resource recovery. The reduction in water content in the slurry significantly decreases transportation costs for waste disposal, making the construction process more economical and sustainable.

In conclusion, the GN Slurry Dewatering System stands as a beacon of innovation in the construction industry, offering a complete solids control solution. By harnessing the power of shale shakers, centrifuges, and efficient pumps, construction projects can achieve enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and a positive environmental footprint. Embracing such advanced technologies is not just a step forward; it’s a leap towards a more sustainable and responsible future in construction practices.

2023.11.08 Solids Control Unit

Leading the Way in Waste Management for Asian Clients

2023.11.03 Vacuum Degasser

In the dynamic and ever-evolving field of drilling and waste management, Asian clients are turning to GN Solids Control for innovative solutions that meet their specific needs. Among the many cutting-edge products offered by GN Solids Control, the Vacuum Degasser stands out as a game-changer.

Asian clients involved in drilling operations often face the challenge of managing drilling mud efficiently. The Vacuum Degasser, manufactured by GN Solids Control, plays a crucial role in this process. It effectively removes gases, such as methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide, from the drilling mud, making it safer and more efficient for drilling operations.

The Vacuum Degasser offered by GN Solids Control is a robust and reliable piece of equipment. Its compact design and high-performance capability make it a valuable asset for Asian clients who are looking to optimize their drilling processes. It ensures the drilling mud is properly degassed, which not only enhances drilling efficiency but also reduces the risk of safety hazards associated with gas buildup in the mud.

GN Solids Control’s commitment to innovation and quality is evident in all their products, and the Vacuum Degasser is no exception. Asian clients who choose this solution can expect reduced downtime, increased drilling efficiency, and improved safety standards at their drilling sites.

Moreover, GN Solids Control offers comprehensive support and services to ensure that their Asian clients make the most of their investment. From installation and training to maintenance and troubleshooting, GN Solids Control’s dedicated team is always ready to assist.

In conclusion, Asian clients in the drilling and waste management industry are turning to GN Solids Control for state-of-the-art solutions like the Vacuum Degasser. This product not only helps streamline drilling operations but also ensures a safer working environment. With a commitment to innovation, quality, and excellent customer support, GN Solids Control is truly leading the way in waste management for Asian clients.

Maximizing Efficiency with the GNLW363D-FHD Fully Hydraulic Drive Decanter Centrifuge for Drilling Mud Separation

2023.10.26 FHD Decanter Centrifuge 2In the oil and gas industry, efficient drilling mud separation is crucial for smooth drilling operations. The GNLW363D-FHD decanter centrifuge is a game-changer in this field, offering a fully hydraulic drive system that ensures optimal performance and reliability.

Decanter centrifuges are vital in separating solids from drilling mud, a critical task in the drilling process. The GNLW363D-FHD stands out due to its fully hydraulic drive, providing numerous advantages. This advanced technology eliminates the need for belts and pulleys, resulting in reduced maintenance, lower operational costs, and increased operational uptime.

The fully hydraulic drive system in the GNLW363D-FHD allows for precise control over the centrifuge’s speed and torque, enabling operators to fine-tune the separation process according to the mud’s specific properties. This level of control is invaluable in achieving optimal solids separation and maintaining the desired mud properties.

Furthermore, the hydraulic drive system is known for its exceptional reliability. It reduces wear and tear on the machine’s components and extends the centrifuge’s lifespan. This means fewer downtime and maintenance-related costs, ensuring the drilling operation remains efficient and cost-effective.

The GNLW363D-FHD decanter centrifuge is designed to handle high flow rates, making it suitable for various drilling mud separation applications. Its robust construction and fully hydraulic drive enable it to perform in harsh drilling environments, maintaining its performance even under challenging conditions.

In conclusion, the GNLW363D-FHD decanter centrifuge with its fully hydraulic drive system represents a significant leap forward in drilling mud separation technology. It not only improves efficiency and reliability but also reduces operational costs, making it an excellent investment for companies in the oil and gas industry. By opting for this cutting-edge technology, drilling operations can maintain consistent mud properties and reduce environmental impact, all while improving the bottom line.

GN Separation Moves to the New Factory: A 15-Year Milestone

After 15 years of remarkable growth, GN Solids Control, a leading player in the field of solid-liquid separation technology and equipment, is taking a giant leap forward. The company’s relentless focus on innovation and manufacturing excellence has led to the need for a larger production base to meet the soaring demand and significantly reduce lead times.
The Existing Factory: A Story of Success and Growth
2023.10.17 GN New 9
Since its inception, GN Solids Control has been committed to pushing the boundaries of solid-liquid separation technology. Over the past 15 years, they have steadily expanded their presence and product line to serve a multitude of industries. However, the company’s existing factory could no longer keep up with the burgeoning production needs, necessitating the move to a new, more expansive facility.
The New Factory: Meeting Demands and Enhancing Efficiency
The newly inaugurated production facility is a substantial step forward, covering an expansive area designed to support GN Solids Control’s ambitious growth. Equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and streamlined management practices, this modern factory ensures faster production cycles and consistently higher product quality.
Global Expansion: Bringing GN Closer to You
2023.10.16 GN New 1
In addition to the new factory, GN Solids Control is strategically establishing subsidiary branches in major global markets to provide even more specialized and efficient services. These subsidiaries include GN SOLIDS AMERICA LLC, GN SOLIDS AUSTRALIA, and GN Russia. The primary objective behind this global expansion is to offer not only faster lead times but also enhanced technical support to clients worldwide.
Committed to Your Success
At the core of GN Solids Control’s mission is the unwavering commitment to delivering the most feasible and efficient solid-liquid separation solutions to their valued customers. The move to the new factory, coupled with a global presence, underlines the company’s dedication to ensuring environmental sustainability, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
As GN Solids Control embarks on this exciting journey of expansion and innovation, the company is poised to remain at the forefront of the industry, setting new standards for excellence and performance. Your partnership with GN Solids Control promises to be an ever-evolving success story.

ATEX Certified GNZYQ1000A Poorboy Degasser and GNZCQ270B Mud Gas Separator Delivered to European Client

In a significant development for the drilling industry, a valued European client has received ATEX certified equipment from GN Solids Control. The equipment, featuring the model numbers GNZYQ1000A and GNZCQ270B, serves the vital purpose of gas removal from drilling fluids.
GNZYQ1000A, functioning as the primary gas separation device, plays a pivotal role in effectively eliminating gas contaminants from drilling mud. GNZCQ270B, employed post-vibrating screen processing, offers secondary gas separation, ensuring a comprehensive approach to gas removal.
The presence of gas contaminants in drilling fluids is known to significantly impact fluid density and overall performance. In some instances, these gases may contain flammable and toxic components, making their removal not only beneficial but a safety imperative for drilling operations.
2023.10.13 Vacuum Degasser
One of the standout features of the GN Solids Control equipment is its ATEX certification. This certification ensures that the equipment complies with the strict safety standards outlined in the ATEX directive, a European regulatory framework designed to ensure safe operation in potentially explosive atmospheres where gas mixtures may be present.
The GNZYQ1000A and GNZCQ270B equipment models are engineered to meet the stringent safety and performance standards demanded by the European market, further underlining GN Solids Control’s commitment to delivering innovative and compliant solutions to its global clientele.
Beyond the ATEX certified Poorboy Degasser and Mud Gas Separator equipment, GN Solids Control excels in providing comprehensive drilling solids control equipment, including vibrating screens, centrifuges, agitators, desanders, mud guns, and more. The brand is synonymous with quality and reliability in the drilling industry.
GN Solids Control continues to assert itself as a trusted and innovative brand in the drilling industry. Their dedication to delivering high-quality, ATEX certified equipment showcases their commitment to ensuring the safety and success of drilling operations globally.
GN Solids Control is a leading provider of comprehensive solid-liquid separation solutions for the oil and gas industry. The company’s dedication to innovation, safety, and excellence is evident in its wide range of equipment designed to meet the evolving needs of the global drilling industry. GN Solids Control’s ATEX certified equipment is a testament to its commitment to providing state-of-the-art solutions for its clients.

Desander and Centrifuge Unit for Construction Mud Treatment to Overseas Company

As construction companies expand their horizons internationally, the need for advanced equipment capable of handling diverse types of construction mud becomes paramount. GN Solids Control has been providing tailored solutions to meet these challenges. We delve into GN’s Desander and GNLW224 Decanter Centrifuge, two pivotal pieces of equipment used in overseas construction mud treatment projects.

One of the cornerstones of GN’s solution is the Desander, a remarkable device designed to efficiently separate large solid particles from construction mud. Construction mud often contains a mix of solids and liquids, making it imperative to remove unwanted particles before further processing. GN’s Desander performs this task with precision, ensuring that the mud is prepped for subsequent stages of treatment.
Desander Plant 2023.09.27
Large Particle Separation: The Desander excels at removing large solid particles, enhancing the overall quality of the mud.
Robust Design: GN has continuously improved its Desander based on feedback from thousands of projects, resulting in a rugged and reliable unit.
Customization: GN’s Desander can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of each project, providing flexibility and adaptability.
For projects that demand even finer mud treatment, GN offers the GNLW224 Decanter Centrifuge. This sophisticated equipment takes the mud treatment process to the next level by separating fine solid particles from the liquid phase. It is especially beneficial when time is of the essence and expedited mud clarification is required.
Fine Particle Separation: The centrifuge’s high-speed operation effectively separates tiny solid particles from the mud, ensuring superior clarity.
Stability: GN’s Decanter Centrifuge is renowned for its stability and consistent performance, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity.
Continual Upgrades: GN’s commitment to excellence is evident in the ongoing improvements made to the Decanter Centrifuge based on real-world project experience.
In the global construction industry, effective mud treatment is pivotal for project success. GN Solids Control’s Desander and GNLW224 Decanter Centrifuge play indispensable roles in achieving this. They are the result of years of research, development, and refinement based on the feedback from a multitude of projects..
In the ever-evolving world of construction, GN Solids Control continues to be a trusted partner, providing innovative solutions for construction mud treatment that meet and exceed the demands of international projects.

GN Company Shines at the 2023 Indonesia Exhibition for Mining and Oil Industry

GN Company proudly showcased its latest innovations at the prestigious 2023 Indonesia Exhibition for Mining and Oil Industry. This exhibition featured an array of cutting-edge products, including medium-sized linear screens, large banana screens, multi-layer vibrating screens, tailings dewatering centrifuges, solid vacuum pumps, and petroleum solids control equipment such as drilling fluid vibrating screens, horizontal screw centrifuges, and drilling fluid shale shakers.
2023.09.18 Indonesia Exhibition 1
With over 15 years of unwavering commitment to the field of solids control equipment, GN has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology to better serve the oil and gas, as well as mining industries. The star of the exhibition was the newly developed vibrating screen, a testament to GN’s dedication to innovation and excellence. This device, the result of years of research and development, combines the best features of existing products in the market with GN’s own technical expertise to offer unparalleled efficiency and stability.
GN Company’s foray into the vibrating screen segment marks a significant milestone. This state-of-the-art equipment not only leverages the strengths found in other products but also incorporates GN’s unique technical insights and years of experience, resulting in a device that is both highly efficient and remarkably stable. The success of all these showcased products can be attributed to GN’s unrelenting spirit in advancing separation technology.
The medium-sized linear screens and large banana screens garnered considerable attention for their exceptional performance in mineral processing and solid-liquid separation. These machines promise to revolutionize how industries handle various materials, making them more versatile and efficient in the mining sector.
Additionally, the tailings dewatering centrifuges and solid vacuum pumps exhibited their prowess in managing challenging slurry and waste disposal tasks. GN’s petroleum solids control equipment, including drilling fluid vibrating screens, horizontal screw centrifuges, and drilling fluid shale shakers, demonstrated their capacity to optimize drilling operations while simultaneously reducing environmental impact.
In conclusion, GN Company’s participation in the 2023 Indonesia Exhibition for Mining and Oil Industry was a testament to its enduring dedication to excellence and innovation in the field of separation technology. GN’s latest vibrating screen represents a leap forward in technology, underlining the company’s relentless pursuit of perfection in service to the oil and gas and mining industries.

GN Upgrades the Shipping Package for Screw Conveyor

The screw conveyor is a vital component in GN Solids Control’s lineup of sludge conveying equipment. Designed in-house, this conveyor plays a crucial role in meeting the material separation and conveying needs of customers when integrated with other separation equipment. The screw conveyor has received positive feedback from numerous domestic and international clients due to its reliable operation and easy maintenance. However, during transportation, the conventional wooden packaging used for the equipment posed certain limitations such as large size, low strength, lack of equipment protection, non-reusability, and susceptibility to mold. In response to customer requirements, GN Solids Control has upgraded the shipping package to a more robust iron framework, providing enhanced equipment protection and reducing transportation costs. GN is committed to listening to customer feedback and continuously upgrading product details to better meet their needs.
Benefits of the Upgraded Shipping Package:
Enhanced Equipment Protection: The new iron framework packaging offers improved protection for the screw conveyor during transportation. Its sturdy construction ensures that the equipment remains secure and intact, minimizing the risk of damage.
Cost Reduction: The upgraded packaging solution helps reduce transportation costs. The iron framework is reusable, eliminating the need for frequent repackaging and reducing the overall packaging expenses.
Mold Resistance: Unlike wooden packaging, which is prone to mold growth, the iron framework is resistant to moisture and mold. This ensures that the equipment remains in optimal condition, even during long-distance transportation or storage in humid environments.
Customer-Centric Approach: GN Solids Control values customer feedback and strives to meet their evolving needs. By upgrading the shipping package for the screw conveyor, GN demonstrates its commitment to providing improved solutions and enhancing customer satisfaction.
The upgrade of the shipping package for the screw conveyor by GN Solids Control marks a significant improvement in equipment protection and transportation efficiency. The transition from conventional wooden packaging to a durable iron framework offers enhanced equipment safety, reduced transportation costs, and improved resistance to mold. GN’s customer-centric approach is evident in its willingness to listen to customer feedback and continuously upgrade product details. By prioritizing customer satisfaction, GN Solids Control ensures that its equipment meets the highest standards and delivers optimal performance in various material separation and conveying applications.

HDD Mud Recycling System to Middle East

GN Solids Control, a leading provider of drilling fluid management solutions, has recently designed and manufactured a state-of-the-art HDD Mud Recycling System for a valued client in the Middle East. This mud recycling system is set to revolutionize the way Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) projects are executed in the region.
The HDD Mud Recycling System comprises three essential components: a mud jet mixer, shale shaker, and desilter. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in optimizing the drilling process and ensuring the efficient management of drilling fluids.
The mud jet mixer, at the heart of the system, is responsible for the preparation of fresh drilling mud. Its precision mixing capabilities guarantee a consistent and high-quality drilling fluid composition, ensuring that the drilling operation remains smooth and uninterrupted.
Mud Cleaner 2023.09.07

Solids Control System 2023.09.07
The shale shaker and desilter components are instrumental in the separation of solid particles from the drilling mud, enabling the recovery and reuse of valuable drilling fluids. This not only significantly reduces the overall drilling fluid consumption but also minimizes environmental pollution, aligning with modern environmental standards and regulations.
What sets this HDD Mud Recycling System apart is its remarkable efficiency and stability. It offers a reliable and continuous operation, enhancing the productivity of HDD projects while minimizing downtime. The system’s ability to recover and recycle drilling fluids not only saves costs for the client but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable drilling process.
GN Solids Control’s commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction shines through in this exceptional HDD Mud Recycling System. GN Solids Control reaffirms its position as a global leader in providing cutting-edge solutions for the oil and gas industry. The customized design with stritcly cost control, we help client to solve their issue and save cost. Weclome to contact us to know more GN equipment.