Monthly Archives: June 2018

GN Solids Control is a world

GN Solids Control is a world-famous manufacturer for solid control equipment and mud recycling system. It was established in 2007 at a small town named Tangshan in central northern China, after 10 years development, it has become a industry leading company in the solid control equipment and our product range covers from shale shaker, desander, desilter, mud cleaner, mud gas separator, decanter centrifuge, cutting dryer, centrifugal pump, agitator, vacuum degasser, shear pump, submersible pump, etc. GN can be your one stop shop and solution provider for the solid control business. This year GN increased its manufacturing capability dramatically, its second manufacturing facility can make composite framed screens up to 5000 pieces per month. The new facility adopts the latest technology that can manufacture the screen with high quality at competitive prices

In the year of 2018, the Oil and Gas industry down-turn has finally pasted. The big down force wave that hit the domestic drilling market between end of 2014 to the end of 2017. So, at GN we are building new business in different market every day. We are targeting the domestic drilling market heavily with our shale shaker and replacement screens to local and international drilling companies to help our customer with daily drilling costs. We are looking at helping them drop as much as 50% on their expendable items like shaker screens, and our Shale shaker price to function ratio also one of the best in the market. But we are not just stopping there. We also pushing Decant Centrifuge, cutting dryers, Oil Sludge treatment system, and may other GN Made equipment in the market. With one idea in mind, GN are on our path to become a multinational manufacturer, with top of the line quality and competitive pricing. To make GN Solids control a world famous brand. That is the common goal every GN employee is working on.

Welcome to visit our website and get more information, please send your inquiries to

GN Shakers in Houston


Solid control is very critical during the oil and gas drilling process

Solid control is very critical during the oil and gas drilling process, it will maintain the required property of the drilling mud and remove the low gravity solids from the liquid, and finally can make the drilling mud which could be reused and recycled in the drilling mud system. A good solid control process could increase the rate of penetration, reduce the wear and tear of the drilling equipment, such as the pistons, liners of the mud pump and allow for better hole cleaning.

GN’s solid control equipment can perform very well during the drilling process, and most of them are specially designed as compact, skid mounted and very mobile. One consumable part for the solid control equipment is the shale shaker screen. This year GN made a lot of effort in the improvement for the screens. GN launched its second facility specially for making the shaker screens of composite frame. Now GN has composite frame replacement screens available for MONGOOSE, KING COBRA/ VENOM, FLUID SYSTEM.

Now GN plans to promote its composite screens aggressively in North America, and it’s looking for new distributors. The ideal candidate will be an experienced one who has been in the solid control business for years, and has pretty mature distribution channel. So once combined GN’s composite screens with the distributor’s channel strength, it will quickly generate great revenues, and it will be a win-win situation. Better the candidate has many warehouses in different locations, especially in the key oil and gas basins. That will make us serve the local customers better. Once qualified, GN will give the candidate distributor great support, in terms of payment term, pricing, packaging, branding and so on. GN’s goal is going together with a great company to achieve great success.

That’s the brief introduction about GN’s screen strategy. GN would like to hear from you. Welcome to visit and please send your ideas to .

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